Archiv von 2015

Sales representatives in enterprises have the need to constantly been in contact with their valued customers. This often includes visiting the work or residential premises of the clients. For example, insurance salesmen sometimes would require going to the clients’ premises for appointments. PeopleSync synchronizes addresses and phone numbers from the corporate database, such as the … WeiterlesenUse Customer Addresses from your CRM Systems in Navigation Apps The post Use Customer Addresses from your CRM Systems in Navigation Apps appeared first Weiterlesen

In zwölf Tagen naher Zukunft findet die OB-Wahl in Köln und zahlreichen anderen Städten in NRW statt. Die parteilose OB-Kandidatin Henriette Reker (unterstützt von CDU, Die Grünen, FDP, Freie Wähler und Deiner Freunde) und der OB-Kandidat Jochen Ott (SPD) fuhren … Weiterlesen →

Welcher Kölner kennt es nicht? In der ganzen Stadt blockieren kaputte Fahrräder die viel zu wenigen Fahrradparkplätze, stehen Fußgängern im Weg und verschandeln das Stadtbild. Das Ordnungsamt der Stadt Köln findet pro Jahr mehr als 3.000 Fahrradwracks im Stadtgebiet und … Weiterlesen →

The Apple Mac OS operating system comes with the Apple Mail, Address Book and Calendar applications. These programs are used by many companies for email and collaboration. Apple provides a synchronization of emails, contacts and appointments from the personal mailboxes of the users to the applications, but lacks of the synchronization of the Exchange Server … WeiterlesenSynchronizing Enterprise Address Lists to the Apple Mac OS Address Book The post Synchronizing Enterprise Address Lists to the Apple Mac OS Address Book Weiterlesen

messageconcept will attend the IT & Business expo in in Stuttgart, Germany in Stuttgart, Germany. The exhibition specializes in CRM and DMS software. We will showcase our software messageconcept PeopleSync. We will show you how to sync contact data from CRM systems such as Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics CRM to every phone with our software … Weiterlesenmessageconcept at the IT & Business Expo The post messageconcept at the IT & Business Expo appeared first on messageconcept GmbH.

The Global Address List in Exchange Server contains the contact data from all mailboxes and contacts in a company. The GAL might be searched online from many devices, but offline synchronization and Caller ID resolution are not available. The address book entries can be fetched by PeopleSync to bring them to your Android SmartPhones and … WeiterlesenBest Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Server GALs to your Android Phones and Tablets The post Best Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Server GALs Weiterlesen

Microsoft Outlook users store in Exchange Server’s contact folders addresses. This can be done in a personal mailbox, in a shared mailbox or in a Public Folder. While contacts from the personal mailbox will be often synchronized to the Windows Phones and other targets by Microsoft ActiveSync, the contacts of other mailboxes and Public Folders … WeiterlesenBest Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Contact Folders to your Windows Phones The post Best Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Contact Folders to your Weiterlesen