Archiv von 2015

Business professionals need to establish a good relationship with their customers, suppliers, and colleagues to ensure a productive and successful work environment. Being able to greet your caller by his or her name adds a personal touch to the phone call and benefits the work relationship. PeopleSync helps you achieve exactly this. Our software synchronizes … WeiterlesenWelcome your Callers by Name with synchronized CRM Data The post Welcome your Callers by Name with synchronized CRM Data appeared first on messageconcept Weiterlesen

We are excited to announce, that today the new PeopleSync Release 15.1 has been released to the public. The new release contains several important fixes as well as new functionality. The new LDAP Agent is a free update for all maintenance customers of our Enterprise Edition. It connects to all LDAP directories, but also allows … WeiterlesenNew PeopleSync Release 15.1 The post New PeopleSync Release 15.1 appeared first on messageconcept GmbH.

Stellungnahme zur Pressemitteilung der Stadt Köln „Bei blauem Radweg-Schild hat der Radfahrer keine Wahl“ Verwaltung ist seit 3. Oktober 1998 in Verzug Die Stadtverwaltung hatte bis zum 3. Oktober 1998 Zeit, die zum 1. September 1997 in Kraft getretene Novelle … Weiterlesen →

Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud service including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and other solutions. Office 365 comes with three stores for contact data: Exchange Global Adress List of Exchange Online Exchange Contact Folders in Shared Mailboxes and Public Folders SharePoint Lists with addresses or other contact information This data can be accesses on your … WeiterlesenBest Practice: How to synchronize Office 365 Contacts to your Android Phones and Tablets The post Best Practice: How to synchronize Office 365 Contacts Weiterlesen

Pressemitteilung von ADFC Köln und VCD Köln vom 3. November 2015 Bereits seit zwei Jahrzehnten engagieren sich die Kölner Radverkehrsverbände für eine Verbesserung der Situation an den Kölner Ringen. Aber leider sind wir seit der ersten großen Demo im Mai … Weiterlesen →

The Global Address List in Exchange Server contains the contact data from all mailboxes and contacts in a company. The GAL might be searched online from many devices, but offline synchronization and Caller ID resolution are not available. The address book entries can be fetched by PeopleSync to bring them to your Windows Phones or … WeiterlesenBest Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Server GALs to your Windows Phones The post Best Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Server GALs to your Weiterlesen

The Global Address List in Exchange Server contains the contact data from all mailboxes and contacts in a company. The GAL might be searched online from many devices, but offline synchronization and Caller ID resolution are not available. The address book entries can be fetched by PeopleSync to bring them to your Mac OS X … WeiterlesenBest Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Server GALs to your Apple Mac OS X Addressbooks The post Best Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Server Weiterlesen

Seit vielen Jahren werden uns Radwege als sichere Wege für Fahrradfahrer verkauft. In der letzten Woche haben wir wieder einmal gesehen, dass dies nicht der Fall ist. Radwege wurde gebaut, damit Fahrräder auf der Straße nicht stören. Die Radfahrer werden … Weiterlesen →

Die Kölner Radverkehrsverbände und -gruppen ADFC Köln, Agora Köln, RADKOMM, REWK Köln, Kölner Fahrrad-Sternfahrt, und VCD Köln sowie Bündnis 90 Die Grünen und Deine Freunde laden die Kölner Bürgerinnen und Bürger zu einer Demo am Mittwoch, 7. Oktober um 18 … Weiterlesen →

After attending many conferences and expos in other European countries and North America, the messageconcept team exhibited the first time in a German exposition. This might sound weird for a German company seven years after first product launch. The IT & Business expo in Stuttgart is a CRM and ERP events and attracts different business … WeiterlesenSuccessful IT & Business Expo 2015 The post Successful IT & Business Expo 2015 appeared first on messageconcept GmbH.